Bellekar Saraxis Kortifex

Saraxis reveals Kortifex’s obsession with the Construct and his relentless pursuit of power.

Bellekar: Tell me, Saraxis, was the Construct always Kortifex’s ultimate goal?
Saraxis: He never shut up about it. Well, not in front of others, but behind closed doors...?
Bellekar: I remember the first time he tried to become Archon. After that failure, I thought he moved on to other goals.
Saraxis: Oh, he never got over it. I mean, he passed all the trials and still the Construct rejected him.
Bellekar: Who can say why it refused him? Since the dawn of time, it has chosen so few Archons.
Bellekar: No one has even tried to petition the Construct since Kortifex’s attempt.
Saraxis: Oh, there were a few who thought about it. But Kortifex found out and sent the Sisters of Agony to pay ‘em a visit.
Bellekar: And did Kortifex ever say what he would do should he be granted that much power?
Saraxis: Make himself god-king of the Dark Aether? Rule with an iron fist? Eat babies for breakfast?
Saraxis: Whatever it is, the first thing he’ll do is make sure we’re not around to see it.
Bellekar: Indeed, Saraxis. Indeed.