Senior Officer Caldwell recounts his interview with Agent Redpoll and the resurgence of a highly-classified Spetsnaz unit.
Document Text:
April 11th, 1983
1. Moscow Station has learned that a clandestine unit of Spetsnaz Special Operations, Omega Group, has been reactivated. Agent codename REDPOLL, Moscow Station's Field Asset inside the KGB's Seventh Directorate, has provided critical COMINT demonstrating the resurgence of the Group and its new command structure. [redacted] has assumed command of the unit.
2. Background on Omega Group. Established in late 1975. Focused on the weaponization of unnatural phenomena. While primarily a military operation, Omega Group has dedicated a large portion of its personnel to experimental research, including the study of exoscientific phenoma (which Agent Redpoll translates as "The Supernatural"). It is rumored the unit was created due to [redacted]. Considering the unit's motto ("We were the First. We are the Last."), there may be some truth to the rumor. With little support from Chairman Andropov, the unit received minimal funding. As a result, none of Omega Group's initial projects progressed past the research phase. The CIA had largely written them off by 1981, as it seemed their programs were entirely abandoned.
3. Agent Redpoll believes the unit's resurgence is in response to the SDI announcement. They see the Program as a threat, and hope Omega Group can provide an appropriate defensive countermeasure. What that might be remains unknown. It is believed [redacted] has given the order to pull thousands of files, film, and audio reels from KBG archives for review. Agent Redpoll will let us know if anything develops from this directive.
4. It is our recommendation that this threat be taken seriously and escalated immediately. The reactivation of such a unique – and unknown – group potentially poses a grave threat to the West. Our hard intel on Omega Group is limited, and we know even less about the scientific fields they research. It would be a mistake to not pursue this with utmost rigor.
Part of the transcription from our interview with Agent Redpoll has been attached to this report. I hope this message finds its way to the appropriate hands.