
While noting his first successful teleporter test, Peck discusses the role played by his Dark Aether miners and the steps taken to deal with the effects of their labors.

Peck: Peck here. Personal log. March 19th. After weeks of phasic misalignment, resulting in numerous... *anatomical* displacements, today marked our first successful teleportation test. I'm sure Private Pashkov was happy to arrive with all parts... intact.
Peck: After the generators last month, this marks the second milestone achievement for Outpost 25.
Peck: I must admit: our rapid progress is due in no small part to our Dark Aether Miners, or "Aethernauts", as the Kremlin has chosen to call them.
Peck: Dr. Kuhlklay tells me crystal collection is up nearly 240 percent. This intake volume has allowed our scientists to continue working around the clock, and is frankly, how we have accomplished this impressive feat.
Peck: It is true some don't return, but I am told it's a small percentage.
Peck: That said, many of those who do return have displayed physical and psychological symptoms, ranging from infection to amnesia. Unfortunately, these subjects, after study, must be euthanized.
Peck: I've spoken with Kulhklay about developing a memory transference machine, give us the chance to at least recover the affected's memories.
Peck: That will take time to construct, so in the interim I'm developing a truth serum to assist with interviewing the amnesiacs.
Peck: Maybe we can pry the truth from their damaged synapses, so their deaths won't be a total waste.