Zykov Gorev Valentina Kravchenko Vogel
Gorev formally introduces himself to the strike team, and discusses his thoughts on Valentina's agenda.
Gorev: Ah, the infamous Requiem strike team. After a year of being's Omega's itchy skin rash, it is almost a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.
Gorev: I do not believe we have had formal introduction. I am Gorev. No first or last name. Just Gorev. Want to know secret? Gorev is code name. Family name is, well, I do not want the attention. Grandfather's brother, he was famous soldier in Stalingrad.
Gorev: You see? Some secrets are okay. Not like our Doctor Valentina. She has been quite the busy bee, da? Buzzing around, using Omega's resources to pursue her own agenda. Harboring the biggest secret of all...
Gorev: Her father being Doctor Ulrich Vogel, of Projekt Endstation? How that managed to elude us all is a question I am very interested in answering.
Gorev: But, as Colonel has said, the voice she hears is not really her father. It is this other entity. The Forsaken. I have heard Kravchenko call it "the wolf". Like from child's story. Red-hooded girl. This wolf changes itself, so it is familiar to us. So we trust it.
Gorev: Then it eats us.