Gorev Valentina Zykov Kravchenko
Kravchenko discusses his thoughts on potential targets once Operatsiya Inversiya is complete.
Document Text:
TO: Gorev
RE: Location Targets
Regarding our conversation last night, a few additional thoughts:
Washington, D.C.: Unleashing an interdimensional entity on the “Capitol of the Free World” certainly has some “punch” to it. However, I suspect both myself and Chebrikov have similar feelings about this target – it demands retaliation. In the interest of self-preservation, we should find a target that encourages fear and submission, not anger and vengeance.
New York: Similar feelings. Unless we wish to encourage the wrath of the Western Bloc, we should avoid targets that are too high profile. To that end, perhaps it would be best to avoid targeting the United States directly.
London: While an island target certainly has its attraction, I am not convinced London would make a grand enough statement. Oddly, it does not feel high profile enough.
Berlin: This is interesting. Given its ongoing role in the conflict, the decimation of West Berlin would certainly be a symbolic victory. Further, if there were any potential remaining loose ends related to Doctor Valentina, this would be our chance to tie them off. However, after the death of that US Army Intelligence officer last week, there are currently too many eyes on the city. Perhaps it will subside by the time we are ready.
One final thought: Considering the recent events at Ollamd, as well as our ongoing involvement in this region, there is certainly a statement that could be made here. A decisive victory would be a strong show of leadership from our newly elected General Secretary. We should discuss further.