Valentina Vogel Kravchenko

Kravchenko's Official statement on Omega's unexpected Berlin operation, and the betrayal of Valentina.

Document Text:
On Spetsgruppa Omega Doctor Aleksandra
Valentina: Viktor Chebrikov, Chairman
of the Committee for State Security

Chairman, regrettably I must inform you that the rumors you have heard by now are true. Doctor Aleksandra Valentina, Lead Researcher for Spetsgruppa Omega Psychotronics, is deceased. I know she was a favorite of yours – a rising star within the organization. I can sympathize, as she was like a daughter to me.

The circumstances which lead to this event can only be described as foreign sabotage. Requiem has developed an Aetherium narcotic compound, capable of inducing aggressive paranoia, hallucinations, and schizophrenic tendencies. Valentina, while in the Ural Mountains, was injected with the serum by Requiem’s strike team. We captured the strike team during their extraction, but the damage was already done.

Valentina experienced a total psychotic break, believing she was the daughter of Doctor Ulrich Vogel, and that she had been given a mission to liberate a Nazi Army from the Dark Aether. None of this is true, of course; we suspect she latched onto this fantasy as so much of her work had revolved around Endstation’s research.

Fortunately, our men were able to intervene in Berlin before events took a turn for the worse. I attempted to reason with her, but after examination it became clear her psychosis was irreversible. I resolved the matter personally. As to Requiem’s strike team: after processing they were transferred to Potsdam. We made little progress with interrogation, so I ordered them executed.

Finally, I want to assure you that this incident has not interfered with Operation [REDACTED]. We continue to remain on schedule and expect to be operational in [REDACTED].

Colonel Lev Kravchenko
Commanding Officer – Omega Group