Weaver formally introduces himself to Zykov - and makes a deal.
Weaver: How the hell... how did Grey turn this thing on?
Weaver: There you go.
Zykov: Hello? Who... who is this?
Weaver: You don't know me. At least, I don't think so.
Zykov: You are... Requiem? Or Omega?
Weaver: From your point of view, I bet its hard to tell the difference these days.
Zykov: Ah: so Requiem. Omega would not possess such self-awareness.
Zykov: But you are... Russian. And you side with the Americans?
Weaver: I think you know it's never that simple.
Weaver: My name's Grigori Weaver. Special Operations Officer at Requiem. For the last seventeen months, you've been in contact with my team. You've helped them survive. You've tested them. All with a singular purpose: coming home.
Weaver: Yet we're not the only ones you're talking to. You've been playing both sides.
Zykov: You both want the same thing: to stop the Forsaken. I just want to come home. How I accomplish that means little to me.
Weaver: Pretty selfish. Needs of one over the needs of millions.
Zykov: You do not know the Dark Aether the way I do. You could not possibly understand what I have done -- what I have sacrificed -- to survive this wretched Hell.
Zykov: If you were in my shoes, you would not be so quick to judge.
Weaver: Maybe.
Weaver: Here's what I know. Omega is planning on bringing you home. I know where and I know when.
Weaver: I just need to know one last thing: if we recover you from Omega, will you side with us? Will you help us?
Zykov: Yes.
Weaver: You will help us stop the Forsaken. I want your word. Russian to Russian.
Zykov: You have it.
Zykov: It is funny. When I speak to Russia, I talk to American. When I speak to America, I talk to Russian. Your world is... confusing.
Weaver: Always has been.
Zykov: No, Grigori. It was simple once. Once upon a time, you knew who your enemies were.