Richtofen Strauss Jager Kravchenko Weaver

Weaver's Report to the Director on the fallout from Operation Excision.

Document Text:
December 15, 1984
FROM: Weaver
SUBJECT: Operation Excision

At 2300 hours last night Requiem’s strike team moved to intercept and exfil the Omega defectors. As you know, at 0130 hours the OP ended in catastrophic failure. Seven of the defectors were KIA, and my team were captured by Omega forces.

It appears Kravchenko had planted one of his own loyalists within the group: Doctor Hugo Jager, head of their Necro-Analytics research department. During our initial reviews he eluded suspicion, primarily because he played such a pivotal role in orchestrating the defectors’ escape. However, as we have now learned, he arranged for the chopper crash, and subsequently, personally, executed the other scientists. He led us into Omega’s trap. The blame for this should lie with me and me alone.

We have learned more about why the defectors chose this moment. One of the scientists, Doctor Zarkova, had been developing an “Aetherium Neutralizer”, a device capable of removing Aetherium air particles from an environment – as well as neutralizing its effects. It is believed Zarkova’s defection was motivated by her desire to deliver this prototype device to Requiem, as she did not want it to fall into Omega’s hands. While we were unable to prevent Omega from acquiring it, a portion of its blueprint was successfully recovered. Maybe Strauss can make something of it.

Finally, in regard to my team. I have all Requiem departments assisting where they can, and a rescue plan is being coordinated as I write this. I have reached out to our contacts within the KGB to ascertain what can be learned from within. Rest assured, we will find them and bring them home. We will not stand by and allow Requiem’s secrets – or people - to fall into enemy hands. You have my word.