Weaver Richtofen

A Requiem report to Weaver from Meyer, addressing the developing situation in Berlin.

Document Text:
February 1, 1985
MEMORANDUM FOR: Grigori Weaver
FROM: Heinrich Meyer
SUBJECT: Berlin Outbreak Zone

Sir, the situation here is rapidly deteriorating. Containment efforts are holding, mostly because the “Nazi nerve gas stockpile” cover story has kept the curious away. Given that we have unearthed many unexploded bombs over the years the story has a ring of truth to it. But the situation could easily spiral out of control if not resolved in the next few hours.

I assume you are aware of the orders I received from the Director, instructing me to facilitate the creation of what is referred to as an “inversion warhead.” In fact, a Special Atomic Demolition Munition was brought to the CIA safehouse on the East German side of the Wall. I was in contact with the clandestine service officers posted there, but all communications were lost when the outbreak occurred.

I do not know what has become of those men or the experimental combat unit they had with them. And I am left with the cheerful thought that on top of an undead Nazi invasion, there may be an unsecured tactical nuclear device in play. In the only city on Earth where NATO and the USSR share joint custody.

In any case, the Inversion Warhead plan appears to have failed. Please advise on next steps. We are ready to help in any way we can.

Heinrich Meyer