Fang Kapoor

Captain Amy Fang recounts her initial experience of the Exclusion Zone.

Fang: Captain Amy Fang, Exfil Pilot. I’ve been asked to recount the events of our initial encounter in the Exclusion Zone.
Fang: And since it’s either this or a failed psych-eval, I guess it’s more of an ‘order’ than an ‘ask’. But, then again, what do I know?
Fang: After Zakhaev turned Urzikstan into an utter hell-scape, Gibbs, Jackson, and Spalding were sent to locate survivors.
Fang: It was a standard CASEVAC… something I’ve done a hundred times over.
Fang: Yeah, no.
Fang: We get to the site and it’s completely deserted. No ground team to meet us, no locals - just a fucking ghost town.
Fang: That’s when Gibbs spotted them.
Fang: We were so relieved to find survivors that we didn’t notice how many there were - how erratic their movement was. Or that they’d surrounded the helo...
Fang: Within seconds, they were sprinting towards us and every molecule in my body was screaming to run.
Fang: Gibbs and Jackson piled in just as I was taking off. Spalding... Spalding was on the ladder...This… this... howling mountain of dead flesh.
Fang: It’s a wonder we could hear his screams at all.
Fang: I had to keep flying - I had to keep the chopper in the air, or none of us were going to make it.
Fang: By the time we landed - the only thing left of Spalding were his arms… still dangling from the ladder.
Fang: Roops - Sargent Kapoor - told me they had to break his fingers to get them off.