Requiem report noting the positive effect of Maxis's new companion.
Document Text:
29 September 1984
Subject appears calmer in recent days. Certainly, the violent outbursts displayed towards medical staff have abated since the arrival of the canine companion.
For obvious reasons - related to the dog - walks around the grounds are now permitted twice daily. That said, it is imperative that the subject feels that she has some degree of freedom and autonomy, even if such benefits are occurring only under covert supervision.
Concerns still remain regarding the subject’s honesty relating her experiences within the Dark Aether. It remains unclear which memories are being repressed Vs. which are being withheld.
I have begun to strike up something of an informal friendship with the subject - one which I hope proves more fruitful than the more direct interviews with Requiem staff.
Dr. Elizabeth Grey
Lead – Unnatural Sciences