
Requiem report detailing Maxis's treatment while at the Block 8 facility.

Document Text:
MEMORANDUM FOR: Block 8 General Staff

Tomorrow morning at approximately 0800 Subject [REDACTED] will be delivered into our custody, after two-days travel from [REDACTED]. Ahead of their arrival, I wanted to take an opportunity to lay out a few basic “ground rules.”

1. Subject is to be kept in isolation ward.

2. Subject is to be given one hour a day outside for exercise and "fresh air." When outdoors, subject must be escorted by no less than three armed guards.

3. Subject is to be provided two meals a day at twelve-hour intervals – 0600 and 1800.

4. Subject is to receive no visitors. This is not an unusual rule for our facility, however Subject is an associate of several Requiem Senior Staff members who may attempt to gain access under false pretenses.

5. No dog.

6. No sharp objects of any sort. Subject is a security risk, flight risk, and risk to self. They are cunning – a trained field officer knowledgeable in spycraft in possession of a wide array of skills. If they have an opportunity to escape – one way or the other – they will take it.

7. During their time at [REDACTED] Subject developed a proclivity for keeping a journal. This habit should be maintained for mental health purposes. Paper and a soft marker are to be provided.

8. Do not interact with Subject unless instructed to do so. To expand on the above point in Rule 6, they are intelligent, charming, and manipulative. They will attempt to form a sympathetic bond in order to facilitate their escape.

9. Finally, Subject must be treated with caution at all times. They are elementally unstable, in possession of undetermined psychic abilities that could be triggered at any moment. They are not in control. Not yet.