
Peck discusses the capture of some key components for his latest experiment.

Peck: William Peck, supplemental notes. Well, it took a week and cost the lives of some brave young men, but we finally did it: we caught four of those floaty blue bastards alive.
Peck: Okay, sure, by "we" I mean the highly trained operators in Omega Group. I'm not exactly the field ops type. But they could never have locked down those lightning bugs without the gear I built for them. I mean, have you ever tried to cage something that can teleport?
Peck: One big help in this whole process is how attracted the blue guys are to the crystals -- the big ones. The atmosphere converters. And the purer the crystal, the more irresistible. I think that was the first tip-off that I could co-opt the way they metabolize Aetherium for my own purposes.
Peck: Yeah, yeah, Sparky, I know it hurts, but you gotta take one for the team. We all serve a greater good now. And I promise if Operatsiya Inversiya stays on schedule, you won't be suffering for long.