Zykov Peck

Considering the scale of the operation, Peck suggests an old test site be used for Omega's latest operation.

Document Text:
Progress Report:
Operatsiya Izbavitel – Test Site Anna

Colonel, after several weeks I believe I have finally triangulated Sergeant Kazimir Zykov’s position in the Dark Aether. Having spent as much time as he has there, he is uniquely embedded deep within the other reality – it’s no wonder he needs the help he does to make it back home. This won’t be easy; we’ll need to harness primordial aether energy to generate enough power to bring him back.

To that point, I believe Test Site “Anna” is our best option to run the operation. If that sounds familiar, it was used as one of our initial test facilities for Operatsiya Inversiya last winter. As such, it’s already equipped to handle excess amounts of Aetherium energy and is the only facility with a power grid large enough for an operation of this scale. So I guess when I say best option, what I really mean is “only option.”

With your approval, I’ll begin preparations to move all necessary equipment to the new facility. We can begin construction of The Machine immediately.

Doctor William Peck
Exoscientific Phenomena
Spetsgruppa Omega