Peck Valentina

KGB Spetsnaz report on the status of Omega Group Operation Undertaker. Doctor Valentina confirms they are ready to proceed with cyclotron reactivation.

Document Text:
RE: Operatsiya Grobovschik
AUTHOR: Dr. Aleksandra Valentina

23 March: US president Reagan announces Strategic Defense Initiative. If implemented, SDI constitutes a mortal threat to the Soviet Union.
25 March: KGB Chairman Chebrikov assigns new commanding officer to KGB-Spetsnaz Omega Group with orders to restore unit to full readiness and deliver results capable of offsetting the threat of SDI.
26 March: The Colonel orders Omega Group Research and Development team to scour KGB archives.
15 July: Dr. Aleksandra Valentina discovers two reels of film in an intelligence vault sealed since 1945. The content of these films, taken at a German site in Poland codenamed Endstation, is flagged for review by the Chairman of State Security.
2 August: Chebrikov convenes meeting with Chairman Andropov and top members of Politburo, screening the films and proposing the weaponization of the phenomena recorded at Endstation. Within two weeks approval is given for Operation Undertaker to be carried out by Special Operations Group Omega.

Endstation site in Morasko Meteorite Preserve secured 28 August. Cover story about unexploded ordnance supports armed perimeter to keep locals away. Dr Valentina and Dr. William Peck began examination of abandoned German scientific equipment. Two months of study by Peck and Valentina confirm Cyclotron and other experimental devices are restored to operational condition. The Colonel is currently dispatching additional Omega teams to Endstation for particle accelerator re-start. Results will be provided to the Chairman after 2 November.

Dr. Aleksandra Valentina
Psychotronics Research Lead - Omega Group