KGB Spetsnaz report detailing the next phase of Omega Group's operation. Construction has begun on a new facility in Vietnam.
Document Text:
RE: Operatsiya [redacted]
AUTHOR: Dr. William Peck
16 August: Operation Undertaker is given formal approval to be carried out by Special Operations Group Omega.
1 November: Operation Undertaker is completed. Dimensional gateways open around the world, including one near the Huong Hoa district of Quang Tri province, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
8 November: Chairman Chebrikov comes to an agreement with Chairman Pham Văn ĝong to construct a KGB-Spetsnaz Omega Group facility outside District Capital Khe Sanh.
9 November: Approval is given for Operation [redacted] to be carried out by Special Operations Group Omega.
11 November: Construction begins for Omega Group site near Khe Sanh.
Omega Group Operations site secured near Khe Sanh on 11 November. Cover Story about recently discovered US chemical weapon being accidentally detonated has successfully resonated throughout the community. Site construction has begun, with completion anticipated by 15 February. The Colonel has expressed in using site to begin testing on [redacted]. Additionally, Operation [redacted] will focus on further testing with [redacted text]. Formal request to begin curating volunteers for experimentation has been submitted. Pending approval, expect our first full report before March.
Dr. William Peck
Exoscientific Phenomena Research Lead – Omega Group