Dobbs apologizes to Fang.
Dobbs: Oh. Sweet Jes-
Fang: Morning, sunshine. Want some coffee?
Dobbs: What the hell - how are you standing?
Fang: Are you kidding? Drinking guys like you under the table is a Minnesotan tradition.
Fang: Besides, I’ve been USAF since I was 17.
Fang: Publicly humiliating assholes who treat me like I don’t belong is cheaper than therapy and a lot more fun.
Fang: You want some eggs?
Dobbs: Wha? Eggs? Oh. Why'd you-
Fang: -Look, this is a one time offer. I’m not your Mom - either eat the eggs, or don’t.
Dobbs: I... I mean, sure, okay. Thanks.
Dobbs: These are really good.
Fang: Yeah, well. I figured you’d be a hurtin’ unit this morning. So setting you up with some coffee and eggs seemed like the decent thing to do.
Dobbs: Uhh… Sorry I... I’ve been such a shit to you.
Fang: You’re fine - you apologized for all that stuff last night.
Dobbs: I did?
Fang: Seriously? Yes - water under the bridge. Eat your fucking eggs.
Dobbs: Thanks, Amy.
Fang: It’s... it's America, actually.
Dobbs: Okay...?
Fang: My parents are immigrants, and ‘USA all the way’ is kind of the family motto.
Fang: So, you know - whatever, they named me America.
Dobbs: America? America Fang?
Dobbs: Ohh, wait. That means you’re Captain Amer-
Fang: Shut up eat your eggs!