Carver saw something he shouldn't have -- and it seems to confirm his worst fears.
Carver: Okay, Mac, okay. Just gotta take a breath now and shake off these jitters. Think it through...
Carver: Fact: Dark Aether hostiles come in different classes, different threat levels. It's why we're calling some Specials, some Elites, and some... Apex-level.
Carver: Fact: we've seen them work together, attacking us with a mix of offensive capabilities. Reminds me of how we outfit platoons with a range of weapons -- riflemen, snipers, heavy gunners. The others roll their eyes when I point this out, but I know a tactical unit when I see one.
Carver: And then there's what I saw today, while I was waiting in the Director's office...
Carver: It was right there on his desk, face up in his in-box. Straight from the DNI -- "Eyes Only." You don't just leave that kind of document lying around. Was he testing me?
Carver: Anyhow, the memo confirms what I've been trying to warn them about. They know there's a top dog on the other side -- some kind of entity in charge of the rest.
Carver: So why aren't we talking about that? Why aren't we making plans to take that damned thing out? Gonna have to play this cool, act like I didn't see nothing.
Carver: But I sure as hell did.