Dr Hugo Barrera introduces himself.
Barrera: --don’t know why they thought I couldn’t work a radio on my own.
Barrera: Okay... Okay, uno mas - and then I transmit it for real.
Barrera: I got this.
Barrera: In Venezuela, rock formations called tepuis soar 10,000 feet above the rainforest.
Barrera: Their plateaus are said to be among the most remote ecological islands on earth. Many have never been visited by humans.
Barrera: My name is Dr. Hugo Barrera. I hold a PhD. in Exogeology, and I’ve been assigned to Operation Deadbolt as your chief scientific officer.
Barrera: I spent three years atop the tepuis of Venezuela, studying their unique geology and endemic life.
Barrera: At the time, I thought it was the closest I could get to experiencing alien conditions on this planet.
Barrera: I was wrong.
Barrera: What we see out there in the Exclusion Zone - what you face every day - it is not from this world.
Barrera: But that does not mean we cannot study it… Hm? Catalogue it. Break it down into its pieces, hold it up to the light, and perhaps, come to understand it.
Barrera: I have dedicated my life to studying the unstudiable. My fervent hope is that here in the EZ, my knowledge will be of some use to field operatives like you.
Barrera: And together, we can save lives.
Barrera: Hohoho that was good Barrera! Who has a problem with public speaking now, Professor Alonso? Ha!
Barrera: Okay - okay, now for the real thing.
Barrera: Wait, is this on-
Barrera: But it can’t-
Barrera: This entire-
Barrera: Ay miercoles-