The Decimator Shield introduces himself.
Decimator: Greetings, warrior. My name is... well, I don’t remember. Just call me Decimator. Everyone does.
Decimator: How I came by that name is the story of my rise and fall. I was once a commander of the Night Legions. Kortifex was my lord and master.
Decimator: And I made certain his troops delivered nothing short of victory! The slightest failing and I would decimate their ranks! Hence the name.
Decimator: This won me no love from the troops. But I cared only for winning battles.
Decimator: And then the clans rose up against Kortifex. And when we faced their gathered forces, for the first time in anyone’s memory, the Night Legions lost.
Decimator: Kortifex was furious. But rather than decimate all of us, he singled me out. He... cursed me -- made me one with my own shield.
Decimator: Trapped for eternity. Cast aside like garbage. I lived on only as a cautionary tale for those who would fail the Deathless one.
Decimator: But now I have you. This is my chance to rise again! And show my former master that I. Am not. Garbage!