Weaver Valentina

A memo from the Berlin Station Chief Meyer containing intercepted communications from Omega Group's Doctor Valentina.

Document Text:
MEMORANDUM FOR: Grigori Weaver
FROM: Station Chief, Berlin

Sir, I am writing to alert you that we recently intercepted communications between Dr. Aleksandra Valentina of the KGB’s Omega Group and a suspected operative here in West Berlin. We have done our best to track her movements and activities since she arrived in East Berlin last week. While we are still trying to determine the precise purpose of her visit, the contents of this intercept support our suspicion that Omega is setting up a major operation here in the US-Occupied Sector of the city.

Transcript of intercept (translated from German)

VALENTINA: “Need update on site.”

UNKNOWN CONTACT: “Readings confirm membrane permeable. Has date been determined?”

VALENTINA: “That is not up to me. Just keep your people ready to mobilize.”

UNKNOWN CONTACT: “Acknowledged. However, some starting to question if this is even possible.

VALENTINA: “Eliminate the doubters. No margin for error. Ground must be prepared.

UNKNOWN CONTACT: “Understood. Will make example of them.”

VALENTINA: “Good. But do so quietly. Do not lose element of surprise.”

We are currently working to identify Valentina’s contact, but cannot match with any known Omega or KGB asset. I will keep you advised of our progress.

Heinrich Meyer
Berlin Station Chief