Barton thinks he's finally figured out the God's puzzle - and attempts his solution.
Barton: How long have we been here now, Mister Bradfisch? Days? Weeks?
Bradfisch: With you Herr Barton, it feels like months!
Barton: Months, yes. Months seems more accurate. With perpetual daylight, it is hard to tell. That is why I brought you down to the temple. Have you looked up at the stars?
Bradfisch: No, when I'm down here I'm usually too busy trying not to die.
Barton: The stars move, we do the bidding - their bidding, and it adjusts. You said something a long time ago... Appeasement.
Bradfisch: I did? What of it?
Barton: Appeasement is how we escape this place, my boy. The gods must be appeased. They desire worship, they require sacrifice. I know what I must do.
Bradfisch: I'm not sure I follow.
Barton: Let me show you.
Bradfisch: What are you doing?! Wait, no!
Bradfisch: Ba-Barton... Think... of what... you are doing... I...
Barton: Relax, Mister Bradfisch. It will be over soon.
Bradfisch: You... Swine!
Barton: It's what must be done, my boy.
Barton: I've done it! I did what you asked! Are you appeased?! I am ready! can I go home?!
Barton: Hello?