Reginald Barton and Bitten Bradfisch find themselves trapped in the Sentinel Trial after inhaling the liquid in the cave.
Barton: This is Reginald Barton and I am recording this for posterity. I am not entirely sure what's happened (static)
Barton: There's ju- no other way to put this... one moment I was inhaling fumes in a (static)... I'm some sort of gladiator now? Fighting in an arena?! Honestly, it doesn't make a lick of sense.
Barton: I'm accompanied by my guide, a mercenary named Bitten Bradfisch. I'm not saying it's his fault we're here but he is German, you can't never be too sure.
Bradfisch: Are you... Are you playing with that recording device? Now?! (static) These creatures have us overrun! Pick up your weapon!
Barton: I came here to find the Holy Grail, they say it resides in (static)
Barton: I did not attempt to travel back in time. Am-am I even back in time? Is this my body? Is this a dream?! Am I still sitting in some cave?!
Bradfisch: Enough! Give me that, you swine! Stop recording, we are going to die!