Full Name:Medusa
Bio:"There were many Pythia before me. Poor young girls, forced to breathe noxious vapors, risking death if their prophecy was not to the listener's liking." - Medusa, 1912
Appearances:Black Ops 6
Medusa Audio
Perseus refuses to let disastrous omens stand in his way.
Perseus uses his newfound leverage over the Oracle.
Perseus prepares for the onset of the Sentinel Trial.
Perseus steadies himself after the initial shock of the Sentinel Trial, and prepares his next move.
Perseus takes drastic action to ensure the Oracle's continued co-operation
Perseus' situation worsens as the Sentinel Trial continues.
Perseus laments the deaths of his men but is resolute.
Perseus' Final Message.
The Oracle explains the power of Prima Materia, and the associated dangers.
The Oracle discusses the origins of The Order.
The Oracle discusses the origins of the Library of the Nine.
The Oracle tells of the time the knowledge we seek was given unto humanity, before being locked away.