Grey Maxis Carver Strauss Weaver
Weaver introduces Maxis to her new companion.
Weaver: Sam?
Maxis: ...Yes.
Weaver: There's someone I'd like you to meet. Someone I think might help you feel better.
Maxis: I'm in a white, sterile room, Weaver. I'm not sure who - or what - you think is going to make me feel better.
Maxis: I've already met Grey, Strauss and Carver... Who's next?
Weaver: I thought you might appreciate making a new friend. Someone who won't ask any you more questions. Someone who doesn't want anything other than to make you happy.
Maxis: Seriously?
Maxis: He's not exactly... fluffy... is he??
Weaver: She. She's a she. I get that the short hair and large build doesn't look too cuddly, but I thought her being here might be good for you - Some companionship while you...
Weaver: Recover.
Weaver: Dogs can be very comforting. They're empathetic. They pick up on your emotions.
Weaver: They feel what you feel.
Maxis: So you brought me a... rottweiler?
Weaver: Yes - I brought you a rottweiler. She's not dangerous. She would never hurt anyone.
Maxis: Why are you saying this?
Weaver: Because I trust you, Sam - and I need you to know that.
Maxis: You don't think I'm dangerous?
Weaver: I want you to work out who you are - for yourself.
Weaver: But - Maybe you should... start keeping a diary - just to get down your thoughts.
Maxis: What makes you think I haven't been doing that already?
Weaver: Take care of yourself, Sam - and the dog.
Weaver: We'll talk soon.