Miller confides in Ravenov.
Miller: Um, excuse me Ravenov, feel free to send me packing, but I’ve noticed you’re not rattled by anything going on here.
Miller: Also, people’ve been saying Greene didn’t have a choice in bringing you on board.
Ravenov: My expertise came… at a high price. Being here, it is my duty. We all have our instructions.
Miller: Hmm...I’ve got history with this kind of thing too. The place I grew up - it was a town by the name of Lib-
Ravenov: '-My God… You were there? But you would have been so young… how did you possib-
Miller: -Hold up. You know about what happened? Every pencil neck I’ve ever spoken to said those files were sealed.
Ravenov: People... they tell me things. I know it was a tragedy.
Miller: Well, shit. I’ve kept my mouth shut, worked my ass off in the service, and convinced the powers that be to assign me to Deadbolt - just to find out that you’re the one with the answers?
Ravenov: Perhaps I can help? When you have time, record what you remember. And I can do my best to connect the dots for you. Separate fact from fiction.
Miller: You’d do that?
Ravenov: I promise.
Miller: Deal.
Miller: Now, that means you can’t go dying on me.
Ravenov: I… am good at keeping promises.