Kortifex Von List Krafft Bellekar Vercanna
Krafft celebrates the Special Forces Team's escape from Stalingrad.
Krafft: Well, my allies, we finally made it. Thanks to our new friend, Vercanna, you have escaped the containment spell Kortifex erected around Stalingrad.
Krafft: Of course, this deep in the Egyptian desert, we have no radio contact with Allied forces. We must still fight Von List on our own.
Krafft: But our odds have improved. I believe we are close to finding a means of separating Von List from Kortifex, denying Die Wahrheit the means to raise their undead army.
Krafft: You see, this is the site where they found the Scepter of Kortifex. And it appears to hold continued significance to Von List’s plans.
Krafft: That oasis and the small settlement around it has traded hands between Allied and Axis forces, but the true battle begins now. With us.
Krafft: Bellekar and I have been discussing that Tome of Rituals page you saw at Shi No Numa, secured by the void spell and its energy anchors.
Krafft: We believe it details how demonic artifacts work -- how they maintain the symbiosis between a human and a Dark Aether entity.
Krafft: And, quite possibly, how to sever that bond. Just imagine: cutting the cord between Kortifex and Von List.
Krafft: That, my friends, is now our mission. The Tome Page just might put an end to this entire unholy affair.