Gorev Peck Valentina

Peck, Gorev and Valentina study the remains of a Krasny Soldat, and are shaken by the results.

Gorev: This better be good, Comeback Kid.
Valentina: If it is not, Gorev, at the very least it will be amusing.
Peck: Funny. Come over here, hold this retractor.
Peck: Almost... got it. Here. Look at this.
Valentina: An Omega ID badge?
Peck: Lieutenant Kazakov. Omega Armored Division at Outpost 25. He--
Valentina: --he escorted the Aethernauts in one of your tank suits, yes, I saw the blueprint. What is your point?
Gorev: I am confused as well. We have seen this before. We lose men in Dark Aether, they come back with bad skin rash. This Krasny Soldat is no different than others we have seen transformed by Aetherium.
Peck: Ah! See, that is what I thought as well. You're half-right.
Gorev: I have never been half-anything, Peck.
Peck: Ok ok...Now just a sec. This is one of our men. And the armor is very similar... but it is not the same. Look at the color. The design. This isn't my work.
Valentina: He came back with it.
Peck: And as far as I know, Aetherium crystals rot your brain, they can't give your car a new coat of paint.
Peck: Someone's upgrading them. Over there.
Gorev: We keep this between us for now. The Colonel... has developed "fiery" new ideas. I do not wish to add more kindling. Understood?
Gorev: Good. Peck: see that this "thing" is destroyed.