Von List Kortifex

Von List attempts to make contact with his remaining troops.

Von List: Oberführer Von List to all Die Wahrheit personnel. If you are receiving this, respond immediately.
Von List: Do you copy?
Von List: Respond! Immediately! That is an order!
Von List: Very well... very well... after the past few days, I understand if some of you are rethinking your allegiance to Die Wahrheit...
Von List: I acknowledge that our efforts to make this site a crossover point to the Dark Aether have made it... inhospitable.
Von List: We lost comrades when we attempted to demolish the chamber that once contained the Scepter of Kortifex.
Von List: We kept losing them as Dark Aether crystals increasingly infested the area.
Von List: And this latest wave of personnel losses when we sabotaged the so-called “pack-a-punch” mechanism...
Von List: ...causing the sudden appearance of so many Dark Aether.... bubbles? Pockets? I am still not sure what to call them.
Von List: All I know is that if I remain unaffected, some of you must, too. I cannot be the sole survivor. I...
Von List: Please. Respond immediately. That is an order.