Bellekar reflects on her time with the Special Forces.
Bellekar: My pupils, we have nearly reached the end of this road we travel together.
Bellekar: I have watched you learn and grow, overcoming every obstacle, mastering the use of our powers...
Bellekar: You each embody what I hold dearest in Humanity: an endless capacity to learn.
Bellekar: It’s why I call you my “pupils.” Not to assert my authority as your “teacher,” but out of reverence for your hunger for knowledge...
Bellekar: ...for your endlessly inventive capacity to apply what you learn -- to make use of it.
Bellekar: Kortifex has underestimated you at every step because he could never see what I see in you.
Bellekar: His arrogance... his ignorance... is why I never doubted that you will prevail.
Bellekar: Our time together has been brief -- a mere blink in my lifespan.
Bellekar: But I say to you now that this struggle we share is the most memorable experience in all of my ageless existence.