Maxis Weaver

Weaver visits Maxis after she had an incident with a nurse.

Weaver: Hello, Sam.
Maxis: Hello, Weaver.
Weaver: I was... hoping we could talk about yesterday.
Maxis: What happened yesterday?
Weaver: You don't remember?
Maxis: It's hard to keep things straight in my mind... Especially with the cocktail of drugs you're giving me... every day.
Weaver: It's for your own good, Sam. We just want to help. Your 'outbursts' are a cause for concern - You must understand that.
Weaver: The nurse was only trying to do his job.
Maxis: Broken noses will heal.
Maxis: Besides - the 'medications' don't help. They don't stop the dreams.
Weaver: What dreams?
Maxis: What do I dream of?
Maxis: I keep dreaming that I'm in the field - Fighting for something. Over and over again.
Weaver: Sam, you understand that we - I - can't let that happen... not yet.
Maxis: Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Maxis: Is there something wrong with me?
Weaver: Get some rest, Sam. It's important that you feel better.