Kravchenko and Peck discuss Operatsiya Izbavitel.
Kravchenko: --I assume we are still on schedule, Doctor Peck?
Peck: Uh, yes, Colonel. Construction of the machine should be complete in six to eight weeks.
Kravchenko: Not good enough. We must accelerate development. If Requiem gets word of Operatsiya Izbavitel before we are ready...
Peck: I know, I know, but considering the scale of this operation, we're lucky to be on track at all.
Peck: The device to free Zykov was challenging enough, but this machine is complex. We're talking a new frontier. Undiscovered science. The sort of thing they write books about, then debate for decades... maybe centuries. We're shifting the paradigm, rewriting the rules...
Peck: This... this is my... "David".
Kravchenko: Your what?
Peck: Uhm, you know, David? The, uh... Michelangelo? Renaissance?
Peck: ...Maybe that one didn't make it to Russia yet.
Kravchenko: What can I do to expedite, your... "David"? Reallocate resources? Divert personnel to the project?
Peck: That would certainly help. Provided it's not too much of a hassle.
Kravchenko: This is the only thing that matters. Consider it done.
Peck: Thank you, Colonel.
Kravchenko: And the old War Hero? Still planning to honor his side of the bargain?
Peck: We bring him back to our reality, he'll help us stop the Forsaken. He thinks we want to kill it.
Kravchenko: Good. Let's keep it that way.
Kravchenko: Keep me informed, Peck. Without this "David" of yours, there is no Operatsiya Izbavitel.