I know something out there is watching me.
Koslov: Ivan Koslov. Prisoner number 136-778. I was transferred here from Perm-35 labor camp last month.
Koslov: Somehow, I have survived five trips into the darkness to gather their fucking crystals. Five.
Koslov: That bastard American doctor even called me "Lucky Ivan." *spits*
Koslov: They forced us through his gateway at gunpoint. Shot the first man who dared to say "nyet." So in go nine of us. Only Lucky Ivan comes back.
Koslov: And now? I am in this hellish place on trip number six and...I cannot find the exit. Did they close it? Did they get tired of waiting for me?
Koslov: These crystals are heavy. I do not know where I am. And I know something out there is watching me.
Koslov: Not so lucky after all...