When a dimensional breach strikes his Hollywood Hills mansion, producer Eric Silverstein reaches out to a friend in the media.

Document Text:
To the Attention Of:
Roger Bothwell
Metro Desk Manager
Los Angeles Daily Press

First, Roger, I’m glad you skipped my housewarming party. Something terrible has happened up here in the Hills. Everyone who came is dead – sort of – and not because of the “canyon fire” bullshit being fed to the media.

I’m not sure how to describe it, but it seems like a fast-acting disease or radiation poisoning. All I know is something explosive erupted in the middle of my property and in less time than it takes to write this my guests looked and acted like mindless rage-monsters. Remember that story you did on people smoking “bath salts,” I think it was? Like that, Roger, but ten times worse.

I tried running toward Mulholland but got turned back by some seriously geared-up troops. They refused to ID themselves but the shoulder patch read “Requiem.” Are they stationed near here? I’ve produced four war movies in the last decade and never heard of them.

I got back home but saw some of my guests breaking into my neighbors’ houses. Cable’s out but on antenna TV I caught a live shot claiming there’s a brushfire up here and the gunshots are just “illegal fireworks.” Like I said, bullshit. Get the Truth out, Roger.

I’m leaving this letter in my mailbox, stamped, sealed and addressed to you. I don’t know if I’ll make it, but I do know postal service will resume, just like I know you’ll get to the bottom of this.

Be Well,

Eric Silverstein, P.G.A.
President - Silverscrein Productions