Agent Maxis leaves a second message for Officer Weaver. She's learned that a KGB Special Operations Group has special interest in Projekt Endstation.
Automated Voice: Code in.
Automated Voice: Access granted. Commencing recording.
Maxis: I'm hearing that something has lit a fire under the KGB's metaphorical ass. Something they found out about Endstation.
Maxis: There are -- shall we say "extremists"? -- within their ranks that are pushing a new agenda. Their department thinks they might have uncovered something that could be a game changer for the Cold War.
Maxis: All I know for certain is that they've allocated a huge amount of resources to fund a ground operation in Poland...
Maxis: What worries me more is I have no idea who around me I can really trust. Some here may already be working with them. They may even be listening in...