
Miller gives the Strike Team critical information on the Mega Abomination.

Miller: All right class, please open your textbooks to page six and we’ll talk about today’s nightmare fuel.
Miller: Field name: Mega Abomination. Now that’s a mouthful - even for this three-headed monstrosity - so let’s just call them Megaboms.
Miller: Weaponry: high-powered, skull-mounted Electrobolt Beam that tops 50,000 degrees Farenheit on a snowy day.
Miller: But it doesn’t stop there. Big fellas can charge at the speed of a bull, and their bite can sever your spine.
Miller: Now you might be thinking - “hmm, fella that size probably can’t follow me into a building” - and you’d be right.
Miller: But his friends can.
Miller: Yep, Megaboms carry crawlers on their belly that’ll detach and chase you right back into the open, if you let them.
Miller: Make sure you don’t.
Miller: So how do you take down a Megabom? Well, you gotta have patience, and hopefully a couple buddies.
Miller: Aim for the mouths - nobody likes a toothache. If you can land a grenade in there, even better.
Miller: Take the heads out one at a time, nice and methodical, and it’ll be dead before you know it.
Miller: Well, deader than it was, at least.
Miller: Any other questions, you come find me and I’ll give you all the gory details. Good hunting out there, folks.