Zykov explains how the Forsaken came to power.
Zykov: Things were not always like this, my friend. I remember a time here in the Dark Aether when the Forsaken did not even exist.
Zykov: When I first crossed over, things were very different. Back then, there were many powerful entities at war here, forming alliances, betraying each other...
Zykov: Not that I realized it at first, any more than an insect would know the names of leaders in the Great Patriotic War.
Zykov: But eventually I came to recognize the Lords of the Dark Aether. They had been locked in an ever-changing stalemate since the dawn of time.
Zykov: And then, one by one, the Forsaken hunted them down, consumed them, and made their power his own.
Zykov: The Forsaken imposed order upon the Dark Aether. Those who remained rallied to him, seeking his favor and pledging loyalty.
Zykov: This is a different place than when I arrived. It is infinitely more dangerous.