
Dr. Annette Pelletier had tried to warn people at Project Janus, but very few listened.

Pelletier: This is Dr. Annette Pelletier. We couldn’t contain the breach and the LTG’s been blown to bits.
Pelletier: The bank vault is gonna be the smartest place to wait this out... if I don’t suffocate before I’m rescued.
Pelletier: Moline and Panos’ comms are dead. I’m betting they are too.
Pelletier: I knew this day was coming - it was foolish to think we had more time.
Pelletier: It started as whispers - these idiotic claims that Janus leadership was holding someone captive.
Pelletier: But it didn’t stop there. Other - more deranged - gossip suggested the victim was being held in some sort of tank.
Pelletier: I wrote it off. We were all overworked, and some people were starting to crack.
Pelletier: Less than a week later, an anti-fraternization policy was enforced. We weren’t allowed to interact with other departments.
Pelletier: Research teams are kept compartmentalized, it's essential to our work. But with Janus... was that also to cover up something nefarious?
Pelletier: All I know is the conspiracies flying around suddenly had an air of legitimacy - and if even a fraction of it was true, everyone was in danger.
Pelletier: I warned my team about the rumors, fingers crossed they’re still alive.
Pelletier: Security was a different story - they chose to ignore the bossy lady scientist.
Pelletier: Whatever. I may be bossy, but those negligent a-holes have killed us all.