Food court worker Julie finds first loves and zombie outbreaks can both get pretty messy.

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I’ve worked at the Hot Dawg stand in the food court ever since it opened. Today I heard screaming and suddenly people were running, chased by other folks who looked like they were, I don’t know, rotten? They knocked people to the floor and just ripped into them. I saw my boyfriend Greg run past and yelled at him for help. He took one look at me and kept running.

By then the rot-heads were trying to climb over the counter. I grabbed a rotisserie skewer in each hand and just started stabbing. Squeezed past and started looking for a way out, or at least a place to hide.

I saw Greg trying to lock the doors to the Eighteen store. Carol who works there pushed him aside and opened it for me. Which was brave since I was covered in blood and holding those skewers like swords. But none of the crazies used weapons, so I guess she knew I wasn’t one of them.

I yelled at Greg for abandoning me when we’ve been dating for, like, 6 months. Carol heard that and started laughing. Turns out she’s been dating Greg for 6 weeks. Greg started making some lame excuses and sweating like crazy. I thought it was cos he knew he was busted, but he was making less and less sense, shivering, snarling.

Then he wasn’t Greg anymore. He was one of them. I had my skewers, but I hesitated. Carol snatched one from me and stuck it through Greg’s eye. I guess that’s the difference between 6 months and 6 weeks.

She’s turned out to be pretty great. Too good for Greg, anyways. She checked the store’s alarm system which has a direct line to mall security. The Guard sent a message: the Army is on its way. But Carol says the Guard’s a creep and not to trust him, so we’re going to make a break for it together. Wish us luck.

Julie Johnson