Kyle Rakestraw wishes he hadn’t been so blind to signs of the times.
Rakestraw: To whoever may find this. I want to let it be known that this community summoned this wrath upon itself.
Rakestraw: This church was a hollow vessel. Our prayers dwindling to a quiet whisper.
Rakestraw: Children running rampant with no humility or respect. Their satanic music playing incessantly.
Rakestraw: All of them sat in front of their television sets - worshiping that false prophet. Blocking out the divine light.
Rakestraw: Those towers were built to test our faith and we had none to hold back the evil within them.
Rakestraw: Janus people filled my church. Drank my wine. Asked for forgiveness. I was overjoyed.
Rakestraw: My pride blinded me from seeing their true design.
Rakestraw: Liberty Falls was chosen to be the Genesis of the end!
Rakestraw: I gaze upon this rapture with calm and serenity as I await the warm embrace of paradise!