Bellekar warns that the Construct, an indifferent force, has granted power to Archons, and they must stop Kortifex from claiming that power.
Bellekar: My pupils, if we are to stop Kortifex, you must know more about the living monolith we call “the Construct.”
Bellekar: It is ancient, even to us. The first denizens of the Dark Aether worshipped it, but it hardly seemed to notice.
Bellekar: The Construct is neither “good” nor “bad.” It possesses intelligence, but is generally indifferent to our lives and our struggles.
Bellekar: However, on rare occasions, the Construct has granted a portion of its power to an individual who assumes the role of “Archon.”
Bellekar: The first Archon eradicated a parasitic species that threatened our world. An entire species, wiped out.
Bellekar: The fourth Archon smashed our moon to pieces -- some of which were weaponized and still float above our lands.
Bellekar: And now Kortifex seeks to become the Construct’s newest champion. We cannot allow such power to rest in the hands of such a tyrant.