Audio recording of the preliminary test of Jansen's Aetherium Neutralizer Mk. II.
Jansen: Commencing preliminary test of Aetherium Neutralizer mk two. Dr. Ava Jansen recording.
Jansen: Here we go.
Jansen: Despite the considerable hurdles we faced with the prototype...
Jansen: This iteration already promises to be a marked improvement over its predecessor.
Jansen: In a nutshell, our prototype generated a field that destabilized Aetherium at an atomic level.
Jansen: It isn’t enough to shatter its crystalline form - for true neutralization, we have to achieve nuclear decay, transforming the element into a series of harmless isotopes.
Jansen: Unfortunately, the power required to generate such a field is exponentially proportionate to the area of effect, such that it ranges approaching the size of the EZ...
Jansen: Well. We could never marshal that much power.
Jansen: Secondly, the field would only penetrate a few feet of the element, and we know from seismic scans of the EZ that sub-surface deposits can reach 300 feet.
Jansen: So, while the prototype worked, it was only a partial success.
Jansen: At first, Strauss's research felt like a scavenger hunt. The man was clearly a genius, but my goodness, he would have benefited from peer review.
Jansen: That said, the end result was clearly worth it.
Jansen: I noticed a constant in Strauss's equations - the resonant frequency of Aetherium. He took a stab at a ballpark figure for it, but had no way of measuring it accurately.
Jansen: Well it's not the 1950s anymore, so with the help of Dr. Barrera's field team, we got a reading - accurate down to ten to the minus twelve.
Jansen: Plugging that number back into the original equations was a breakthrough. Where our prototype was a hammer, this iteration is a scalpel.
Jansen: Better yet, it will operate at peak power for long enough to clear deposits up to 500 feet across.
Jansen: And all without having to violate any of the laws of thermodynamics.
Jansen: As for the device itself - maybe don’t let the higher ups know that the whole thing is held together with paper clips and dental floss.
Jansen: Joking.
Jansen: I appreciate the risk that has been taken...
Jansen: And I understand how imperative it is that I deliver.